The Westfield Bombers Gymnastics Team
Our 2005 Team Welcome All And Good Luck
Greatness Comes with Focus, Determination and a relentness Passion to Succeed! Teamwork, provides the energy to make the rest possible.
Our Coaches Joanne Hewins--12th Year Jen Vaschak--1st year Have a question, just e-mail our coaches.
Welcome To All Our New Team Members! Sara Agan Rachel Aylward Brianna Bell Hailey Cloud Gabrielle Grimaldi
Returning Gymnasts Angie Henrickson-Senior Jen Laporte-Senior Marisa Spinella-Senior Erika Ellis-Junior Heather Fairley-Junior Christina Pagella-Junior Alexis Aube-Sophomore Kylie Willhoite-Sophomore Angela Cressotti-Sophomore Melissa Moulton-Sophomore Kirsten Thresher-Sophomore Jami Harrington-Sophomore